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This morning I was struck again with my ideas of FAIR
and how sometimes that clashes
with what Jesus says is
'fair' in the Kingdom...    

He tells a parable   
and ends it by telling about   
what appears to be a common 'unfair' practice   
in the Kingdom of Heaven.   
the First are Last     
the Last are First    
see Matthew 20:1-16 - Workers in the Vineyard   

Jesus actually brings out in the parable
that the first people were rather disgruntled with the whole principle.
....technically, they HAD agreed to one day's wages (a denarius)
(but of course
that was before they knew He would give a whole day's wages
to someone who only worked an hour)

So why?
Why does Jesus teach this principle?
It was His lesson.
It was a story he made up to teach a concept
He didn't have to include this
it was important.



Shortly after this teaching moment
Jesus says something more

Matthew 20:25 But Jesus called them to him and said,
“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them,
and their great ones exercise authority over them.
26 It shall not be so among you.
But whoever would be great among you
must be your servant,
27 and whoever would be first among you
must be your slave,
28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served
but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

In the Parable Jesus asks the question,
15 "Can't I be as generous as I want with my own money?"

I have often thought the principle was one about generosity.
But aligning it with
27 - Being First =  being a Slave
changes the depth of the principle.

The Kingdom recognizes servanthood,
- servant heart = Very High value.
Much higher than being 'first' by a long shot.

The Kingdom is Lavish (generous)
to those who's hearts are aligned
with the 'Greatness' Jesus modeled;
Master of the Universe washing poop off of humans feet. John 13

This is the place
where my heart is revealed....
what truly motivates it.
Love of others
Love of self.

I need You living in me
to walk this path.
I want to be Your servant
but I find it hard to be
others.... :(

and Yet.
You did.
You gave up Your
the last will be generously

and yet,
That can't be my
or I would again
self :P

You must change me
and only then
will I be

