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This morning I was thinking about David
wanting to build a 'house' for the Lord.  
He asks Nathan the prophet what he thought  
and was told, 'Go for it!' 
God corrects Nathan that night 
and tells him words of promise over the house of David. 
God speaks of a Son 
who will build a house for God's name. 
He speaks of a throne over an eternal kingdom... 
He speaks of the Son being flogged by men.... 
ref 2 Samuel 7:1-16 


Always thought this referred to Solomon...
..And it does
but it seems to go further....
it seems to be very much about

about THAT Son
building a house
Where God would live....

Paul says that I am the Temple of God
He says that God's Spirit
Lives in me....

When asked when the Kingdom would come
Jesus told the Pharisees,
'The Kingdom of God is not a visible thing (Temple building)
But is - Inside, around, within, among..... You.' ref Luke 17:20-21

Did he have a clue?
An inkling?
That God didn't want to 'graduate' from a tent
to a temple (building)....
His desire has always been
to INHABIT those who would
make space for Him.

Oh Lord,
David's desire
to make a space worthy of You
Is my desire.

Live in this consecrated life
Inhabit me

Thank You