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This morning I was reading Jeremiah's journey 
the sacrifice of his; 
being understood, 
even his life being threatened continually 
Hiding, imprisoned....    

all because he obeyed God's instructions   
to speak truth to God's people.....     

and no one seemed to notice    
or care.....? 

or I am sure,  
that's what it felt like....    

One day someone said he should die
because the words he was speaking
were traitorous....
and they were..... :-(
and the King said, 'might as well execute him...'
and they put him in a hole in the ground
to die.
and there was a foreign man who was a servant in the palace
who approached the king,
got some rags and rope,
a bunch of strong fellows,
and they rescued Jeremiah see Jer 38:1-13

So what's God say to me?...
- Don't sweat about telling others about things going sideways...
....letting people know
...getting someone on 'my side'....
When I need help and support,
there will be someone...
who will know....
...and that is enough.

He has me covered.

I rest in that.
You have me

Thank You.