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 This morning I was again struck by
a life lived 
wholly given over to God.   

Joseph was given dreams of an amazing future...    
Yet he didn't 'live' there. He served his father and family. 

Joseph was mistreated and misunderstood    
Yet he didn't 'live' there.... He served those who purchased him 
and did what was honorable at all times....   

Joseph was elevated to the highest place
Yet he didn't 'live' there.... He used his authority
to save people from starvation.

I realized 'he didn't live there' by two statements recorded in scripture.
1 - When Joseph revealed his identity to his visiting brothers he said,
"do not be distressed....
because is was to save lives
that God sent me ahead of you..." ref Gen 45:4-7
2 - When Pharaoh heard Joseph's brothers had arrived,
he and all the officials were PLEASED. ref Gen 45:16-18

In other words Joseph never told anyone in Egypt what a terrible lot his brothers were.
Joseph actually assumed from the Get Go....
from the beginning....
God was in control...

....where DID Joseph 'live'...?
I believe he existed in that place where
God was his saviour and
NOTHING could thwart God's plans
So he could listen, learn, serve....
all with the 'filter' of knowing God is Good
and God will redeem the situation
No Matter what the present trajectory looked like....

Lord, Jesus
You did the same.
You lived in suffering and misunderstanding
and betrayal
and Yet You walked into all that
trusting Your Father.

I choose to 'put on that mind' today.
Your mind
I rest in You
and Your saving presence
no matter what.
