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This morning I was reading in Genesis about 
Jacob and Esau
about the promise / prophecy to Rebekah
before they were even born....
- that the older would serve the younger
- that the children would be 
the beginnings of 2 nations.  ref Gen 25:23
and then I watched Rebekah
engineer the situation
so Jacob get the blessing of the first born
through deception....  ref Gen 27
It makes me wonder...
What if she had trusted God?
What if she rested in God's words to her
and didn't have to 'help Him' make Jacob great...?
After all her mother in law Sara
'helped God' by having
'her child' through her maid - Hagar....
and that hadn't gone so well....  ref Gen 16
The end justifies the means....
usually comes with excess 'baggage'
'collateral damage'
or just 
way too many complications...
what IS my part?
David knew the boundaries regarding Kingship.
- God gives it.
- God takes it.
- Leave it with God.
even with numerous opportunities
to 'eliminate' Saul
David was committed to the promise
that God WAS big enough...
Thanks for the reminder
that the 'problems' I see
are just more opportunities
for You to work out Your purposes
in me
in a way that confirms
Your Lordship....
Thank You for reminding me
I CAN trust You in 
All things.
I am Your servant
and I don't need to 
try and reverse that...