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I am interested how many
Christians and churches
are finding it harder and harder
to say or believe
that the choice to
Follow Jesus
has eternal
negative or positive ramifications.

What's with that?
Do some think it was a
'cultural' thing....?
that the God of the Old Testament
is not the God of the New....?
That sin is all looked after by Jesus
for everyone......
I'm not sure

Jesus. God on earth was asked,
"Are lots of people going to heaven?"
His answer. "NO"
"Many won't get in.....
That the doorway is NARROW...
In FACT many who think they are
doin all the right stuff
will be turned away" ref Lk 13:23-27

Doesn't sound like
some of the funerals I have been at.....
where everyone seems to go to heaven
especially if they were
nice..... :(


Next Jesus responded to a statement about
'eating at the feast, in the Kingdom of God.'
by telling a parable...
"Lots get invited...
but only those who Choose
to leave things behind
and accept the invitation
will enjoy the privilege of Heaven."
In fact He says,
the end of the story is....
"Not one of those men who were invited (and refused)
will get a taste of my banquet" ref Lk 14:15-24

Sounds pretty cut and dried.
Everyone gets invited
Some try to get in on their own terms
Few actually make it.

And the rest....
...Are lost
without Christ.


I don't think about this much.
I don't like to....
It's not nice.

and Yet
It was spoken from Your mouth.
No other option
No plan B, or C....

I again
choose to listen
to Your voice
Your invitation
to be You (in me)
in the circle You have
placed me in.

So that some
may enter through
the narrow door.

and not be
