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This morning I was reading about
the 'vessels in the house'.... 

A while ago someone came to visit.   
We got the 'fine china' out 
and had 'tea'. 
In the ensuing discussion it was mentioned that  
very few people have 
or want 'fine china' anymore.... 
The observation was that; 
- people move lots and fragile 'extras' are not easy to do that with 
- people don't entertain 'formally' at home anymore fact people don't do much 'formally' anymore.  Weddings and Funerals 
and maybe not even those.... 
Paul speaks to Timothy and tells him
In a Large House
There are vessels that are 'fine china'... Gold and Silver
There are also 'common' vessels.... wood and clay
The first are for noble purposes
The last are for common purposes. 
Then Paul tells Timothy that if he chooses 'Holiness' 
he will be used for noble purposes
Useful to the Master of the house.  2Tim 2:20-21
I wonder if our 'informal' culture
has shifted my thinking on how I live?
Do I even want to be 'fine china'?
or is
Wood and clay 'good enough'?
Do I choose 'Informal'....
which might just be
sloppy living....
I DO want to be a vessel
that is useful to You
My Master.
Prepared for good works
that You have for me.
Thank You for the encouragement
to choose the disciplines

I do choose to live
Set apart.
for You.