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Blessings as you remember those who have sacrificed for our freedom and opportunities to live in a country like this.  
Heard from a Syrian refugee.... He is VERY happy to be in Canada this fall.  

Earlier this week I engaged the concept of 'Eternal Security'....
...Once saved I cannot 'lose' my salvation....   
I find that scripture holds both views.....    
- I am secure in Jesus' work for salvation - His work is complete   
- I need to persevere and Choose Christ each day for salvation from self and sin...   

This morning I was reading Rom 6
- I recognize my death to sin happened when Jesus died in my place - vs 3
- I have been 'raised' from this death to new life - vs 4

'Now we know that since Christ was raised from the dead - he cannot die again - as death no longer has mastery over Him...'. vs 9
vs 11 'IN THE SAME WAY I need to count myself finished with death (and sin)
and so LIVE that way....'
Alive to Jesus
Finished with Death (sin)

A choice - Yes
An Opportunity - Available - bought and paid for

- limiting beliefs...
- bad habits...
- unhealthy dependencies...
all push against that..

and Yet

Today is a new day
and Jesus has given me
grace from yesterday
Opportunity today
to choose

Thank You Lord Jesus
for not only providing
but walking out my example
of what it looks like
to live....

Dependant each and every moment
on Your Father....

I choose to lean in to You
for the moments of today...

and live.
Thank You.