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Yesterday Barry's message was on
2 Cor 4:4 - the god of this age
has blinded the eyes of unbelievers
so that they can't see the light
of the good news of Jesus....

Jesus Opens our eyes
to the truth.

And that caught my attention
as I read scripture this morning.

Jesus Opening eyes....
to truth....
Found in Scripture....

Truth STARTing there
is qualified there...
and is completed there....

The disciples on the road to Emmaus:
"were not our hearts burning within us
while He talked with us on the road
and opened the Scriptures to us?" ref Lk 24:32

Jesus appeared in the upper room:
"Then He opened their minds so they could
understand the Scriptures" ref Lk 24:45

He gives me a 'spiritual' mind
by giving me His
Holy Spirit
Who then opens my mind to
understand the Spiritual realm ref 1 Cor 2:12-16

Not new revelation
but more revelation
of what He has already given
recorded in words He inspired men to write down.....

2 Tim 3:16 Every Scripture
is God-breathed
(given by His inspiration)
and profitable for instruction,
for reproof
and conviction of sin,
for correction of error
and discipline in obedience,
<and> for training in righteousness
(in holy living,
in conformity to God’s will in
thought, purpose, and action),
17 So that the man of God
may be complete and proficient,
well fitted
and thoroughly equipped
for every good work.

His Breath.
His Spirit

His Word
to me

Thank You for setting in place
a plumb bob.
a line
a standard
of who You are.
and how I can
receive from You
all I need.

Thank You.