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The last few weeks I have been pondering 
'What shifts my world view?'      
'What is it that I put my trust in.... and why?'      

I want to know what is

What is
what is smoke and mirrors...        

Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life.... 
No one comes to the Father except through me..." Jn 14:6

This morning I read some more words of His....
"for this (reason) I came into the world,
to testify to the truth.
Everyone on the side of truth
listens to me." ref Jn 18:37c

Jesus' mission was to testify to the truth
to reveal truth
He is truth...

so if I listen to Him
Am I choosing


I asked some friends
what shifted their hearts and minds to

These are some of their thoughts and experiences (not necessarily in order of importance);
- Emptiness and 'Hunger' for something better drove their search
- Discovery that Scripture is powerful to align the mind with truth
- Death, destruction and lies are paths that stubbornness and pride find
- Gods way (that requires submission to Him and His way) brings life, healing, peace
- evil, destructive, terrible circumstances are redeemed by God to woo and coax back to life. His life.
- The mind can agree with truth, but it takes a step of faith to bring the heart into that place of RELATIONSHIP - alignment, agreement and real change

So.... My takeaway?

The DOing / Listening is a piece of the equation...
...reading Bible, Christian fellowship, prayer... etc...
but nothing really changes
until faith
.....moment by moment submission over to God my life and dreams and other 'options'
is activated

"Everyone on the side of truth
listens to me."

I do listen.
Through the Scripture
Through fellowship with Your Body
Through Your Spirit
Through my prayer time with You

And I choose to put My faith in
what you say...

My Life in Your 'hands'
