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Sometimes as a leader 
I feel vulnerable to criticism 

I dont' handle it well, 
I 'react',  
set the record straight....  

this morning, 
I learned some things from Paul in 
2 Corinthians chapters 10-13 

....Paul had been undermined  
by some who had become leaders in the church 
- he wasn't there to 'defend' himself 
- he ended up looking like  
a weakling 
an inept public speaker.... 

So I was interested in how he would 'defend' himself....  

He told the Corinthians that; 
- he loved them 
- his desire was for them 
was to Know Christ. 
- he wanted them to be filled with the goodness 
of Christ's life 
- To enjoy the fruits of the Body / Community 
of believers. 

Paul didn't try 'fix' the lies....

His desire and agenda was
that they
would find Christ to be their life.


Reminds me of another leader...
Before becoming King
was anointed to be the next King....
he left the establishment of that
to God.
God was his justifier.
God had his 'back'
because he knew
He was God's child
That was his identity.
God did it.


Lord Jesus
You remind me
in so many ways
I am Yours
and that You call me
to walk life out from that place
instead of trying to keep everyone
around me 'informed of the facts' (as I see them.... )

I love that. :)
and I
struggle with that..... :P

Part of me loves that You are For me
and that I can give control over to You....
Part of me wants to 'fix the problem'!
Right now!

I choose
to walk in Your covering
in My identity...
Your Child.

You are Good
You love me
You have an amazing plan for me.
