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This morning..
Just one little thought...
Ps 41:1 Blessed is the one 
who considers the poor! 
    In the day of trouble 
the LORD delivers him;
Considers the poor (or the weak)....
What does that mean in a place where
there are social 'safety nets'?
- They should be getting help from.....
- What about their families?
- What about.....?
Years ago when I visited India
I found that I had an interesting mindset....
- If I can't help ALL of them
I won't help ANY.... 
- and somehow that created 'fairness' in my brain.... :P
As I traveled I saw something very interesting
Poor believers in Jesus gave to the poor...
without the 'fairness' I seemed to need....
They would buy a gift
or quietly slip some money into the person's life
No fanfare..... just loving on people
at significant cost to themselves...
and the missing piece....
what does that mean in My culture?
God still directs.
I just realized that I havn't been asking...
Who are the poor
that You are calling me
to 'consider'?
And how should I 'consider' them?
What is it
that You have planned for me and them?
I am asking
I know You will answer....
Help me to carry through..