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This morning I was thinking of a conversation 
I had with a person who is 
and of good 'character' 
but they lack social 'savvy'.... 
....Good hearted 
....just don't pick up on what is 
socially appropriate..... 

And it makes it difficult to establish 
and maintain 

Solomon talks about Wisdom... 
In the proverbs....  
- Seek it,
- pursue it,
- find it..... see Pv 1-4

But I also read his words in Ecclesiastes...
...much wisdom..... much sorrow...
The more knowledge
the more the grief.... see Ecc 1:16-18

and in another place he says...

Ecclesiastes 7:16 Be not overly righteous,
and do not make yourself too wise.
Why should you destroy yourself?
17 Be not overly wicked, neither be a fool.
Why should you die before your time?
18 It is good that you should take hold of this,
and from that withhold not your hand,
for the one who fears God
shall come out from both of them.


My culture lauds wisdom and knowledge
as the answers to all issues...

But the wisest man says
'wisdom is good..... '
but it can also be 
a trap
a hole
that isn't filled by MORE information
or even Good Application of Info.... (wisdom)
Solomon pointed people to
- be wise,
- have thankful hearts
Fear God.....


Some days I am not even sure where to start.
- Seek knowledge
- Be wise
- Make good decisions
And Yet I have a hunch
I might still be missing
the whole point.... my friend,
Not aware of what is REALLY going on. that place
You call me back to
FEAR of You....

What does that look like?
How does that help me be
'situationally aware'?

O Lord,
You are full of Magesty
and in Your presence I find myself
small and of little significance.....
and then I am in

Blessed be Your name.
Holy Spirit.

Teach me
Through Knowing You
