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This morning I was wondering
what it would be like to be up in the hills
with Jesus and 10,000 others.....   
People getting healed 
Worship and praise to the God of Israel 
So great was the wonder 
and expectation 
people didn't want to leave. 
didn't want to miss what might happen next... 
So they stayed... 
for 3 days and 2 nights 
with no food except for what they had brought for the first day.... 

How did they fill the time?
What did they talk about around the fires
Watching Jesus heal people instantly, miraculously
Trying to hear His words....

What kept them there for 2 more days?
What was the wonder that being with Jesus
filled people with
that they ignored the physical hunger to the point of fainting

and then Jesus fed them
10,000 or so (4000 men + women and children)
with 7 loaves and a few small fish
and they were
as a grazing animal that has had enough...

and Jesus sent them away
and left by boat.
- read about it in Matthew 15:29-39

What did they talk about on the way home?
What did they tell their neighbours when they got home?
I can only imagine...
What an amazing time....
and to be fed by Jesus to the point of satisfaction
after a 2 or 3 day fast....

You call men and women
boys and girls
and You Fill them
and You Satisfy them
and You give them
what their Souls desire

and You do that for me

Thank You Lord
Feeding me
Satisfying me

You Fill me with Wonder
You are Amazing
You captivate my heart
and mind