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This morning I was interested in why
so many felt it so important to mock Jesus.
I just read through the account of the crucifixion 
penned by Mark (chapters 14 and 15) 

From the Kiss of Judas
to the mock trial, 
spitting on Him 
blindfolding and hitting Him and telling Him to 'prophesy' who it was who stuck Him.... 
Soldiers dressed Him in a fine robe and put long thorns on His head (as a crown) 
and Kneeled before Him and hit Him and mock 'worshiped' Him 
"Hail, King of the Jews" 
and the robbers dieing on His right and left felt it necessary to yell insults at Him...
and Chief priests and teachers of the law made a special trip to Golgotha to mock Him to each other...

And so at the end of the record of His death
When the centurion heard His cry
and saw how He died
voiced the revelation,
"Surely this man
was the Son of God!"

It seems like
All the evil in man
somehow had to get out
be released
on this Lamb

Take advantage of the
King of King's
in His Lowest state

Man took advantage of their
The one who Loved them....
and they poured out

And You received it Lord,
And You spoke not a word against it
And You
forgave it

Thank You Jesus
for even at my lowest
You are not surprised
You don't say, "too much..."
You meet me


Thank You.
My Lord.