Good day, you who are a part of this sweet family of God, 


 I give thanks for you, especially thinking of you this Thanksgiving Weekend.


Donna and I have been enjoying the sunshine - finishing up fall projects before the rain comes.


This morning I started the fire in the wood stove. 

That included gathering the chips and bits out of the bottom of the wood bin. 

A while later I noticed a sharp 'poke' on the heel of my thumb. 

A cedar 'whisker' had obviously stuck into my skin while cleaning out the wood bin.

Problem was...  

It was too small to see without my 'up-close glasses' 


I forgot about it for a while.... until it reminded me it was still there. 

I made my way to the bathroom, put on my glasses, and then I saw

the ever-so-small whisker causing the irritation.

A few attempts with the tweezers and it was out.

Even then it was so small that I could hardly see it on the tweezers. 


It reminded me of little things in my life.

Things that the Holy Spirit reminds me of every once and a while.

Little things others probably don't see... 


 Psalm 139:1 O LORD, 

you have searched me and known me!
2  You know when I sit down and when I rise up;     

you discern my thoughts from afar. 
3  You search out my path and my lying down     

and are acquainted with all my ways.
4  Even before a word is on my tongue,    

behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.
5  You hem me in, behind and before,    

 and lay your hand upon me.
6  Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;  

it is high; I cannot attain it.


This Sunday we will enjoy hearing from Laura Sponslee about how God is using her in Toronto among the Tibetans that live there.

Feel free to bring a lunch and spend some time with her in the Fireside Room after the service.


Thanksgiving is often a time for family to be together.  

For some, that is difficult due to distance, illness or no one close by to connect to.

It's an opportunity to reach out.....   

If you don't have family to be with this weekend..... reach out to someone who could be 'family'.

If you are meeting with the 'clan'... reach out to someone who isn't.


 Continue to pray for those who are ill, recovering from surgery, or in difficult circumstances.


I have found that it is important to 'pull out the tiny whiskers' that the Holy Spirit is bringing to my attention. 

And doing it sooner than later is so much better. 

In fact, leaving them sometimes invites the 'infection' of ignoring the Spirit, which leads to further complications. 


God, I invite you to:

 Psalm 139:23  Search me, O God, and know my heart!     

Try me and know my thoughts!

24  And see if there be any grievous way in me,    

 and lead me in the way everlasting!


Blessings as you 'let Him',

Peter Jackson

Part of your Team

Black Creek Community Church