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As I wind my way through the New Testament 
You might have noticed the pattern of being challenged 
by what I read.    

Today I read 1 Peter. The letter written to encourage 
believers who were suffering,
and in great difficulty.   
Peter wrote to encourage them that  
this part of the Christian walk is not unusual....    
That Suffering as part of the children of God 'package' 
is 'normal' and experienced by believers everywhere... 

Some of this I find challenging to my understanding of God as my
Loving Father.  
Peter says in 4:16 However, if you suffer as a Christian,
do not be ashamed,
but praise God that you bear that name.
17 For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God;
and if it begins with us,
what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?
18 And, "If it is hard for the righteous to be saved,
what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?"
19 So then,
those who suffer according to God’s will
should commit themselves to their faithful Creator
and continue to do good.

hard for even the righteous to be saved....
suffer according to God's will...
Faithful Creator....?

This is a hard thing.

As a child of God somehow I expect
to be treated nice.
I am on the IN side...

But Peter says that God is up to something
and being His child doesn't exempt me
but actually puts me in a place
where 'bad stuff' happens.....?


What's the greater good?
What have I 'bought into'
that is so valuable that it is worth suffering.....?


Peter speaks several times
about suffering being a part of
TESTING my faith in God
Seeing if it is true
or of there are big 'cracks' in it....
ref 1 Peter 1:6-9
That the 'Goal' of my faith is
my place in God's Kingdom
the 'Salvation of my soul'

and that I actually Participate
in the Suffering my Lord experienced....
ref 1 Peter 4:12,13

Lord, I don't understand much
about this....
When I am with folks that are suffering
these words and 'concepts' seem to be so 'thin'...

I trust You
I know You are good
I choose to not turn away
but to push through

I know that You are enough.
Your will be enough
You have me covered.

Thank You
even for the mystery
and the
'not knowing'
Your promise that one day
it will be worth it.

I stand on that.

I hang on.... to that.