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 This morning I 'watched' my brain try to be tricky.   
Tricky to my heart  
and God.....   

Hmm...   That can't be good...

I was reading a portion of scripture that seemed to tell me
that I could have great answers to prayer
if I walked in greater integrity in my relationships with man and God....

The trick that my brain did was go,
"Yeah, OK, more faith and forgive everyone
and then you will get cool, great answers to prayers...."

So, if I am not getting cool, great answers to prayers
I must not have enough faith
or have not forgiven someone....
Who do I need to forgive Lord?
Is that what is stopping my prayers Lord?
See Mark 11:20-26

Hold on.

I just realized I turned God into a vending machine!
Do this.
Get that.

Didn't get it?
Do this more....


Vending machine doesn't work.... :(
More quarters...
or maybe it's out of that product
or maybe it's just broken
or mad at me....

My heart stopped my brain and said
"Check Your Motives"....
'What's in it for me....
'What does living, vital relationship with God look like?'

Then I read this in Psalms
37:3 Trust in the LORD, and do good;
dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.
4 Delight yourself in the LORD,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Again my brain suggested to go there.
Do this.... and.....

STOP the bus!

David is calling for me to
Live fruitful, joyous delight in my Maker
my Lord
and my heart
will align with His

and I will watch HIM pour out
so much of HIS good Kingdom Fruit on me....
as a Part of this transformative relationship.
- me changing..... not Him
- my heart and brain aligning... not His
- my desires becoming - More of Him
not just what will He give....

O Lord Jesus,
You are Master
Yet I somehow seem to flip that
backwards / upside down at times.

Thank You for revealing the trickiness
of my brain
by Your Spirit.


That I might walk again
in the fruit of a life
filled with You.

That I desire
Your desires
That Your Kingdom
would come on Earth
as it is
in Heaven....
