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This morning I was reading about the
'Testing of the Lord'
So often those words conjure up thoughts of
'terrible' and 'mighty' tests...

This test was not so formidable:
- When you go out in the morning to gather food only gather enough for each day
- every 6th day gather 2x as much so you don't have to go out on the 7th day.
Pretty straight forward....

and they did.
and many followed the instructions
some didn't.
They gathered and kept some for the next day.
and on the 7th day they went out to get more...

And the Lord's question was,
"How long will you refuse to keep my commandments?"

In other words,
'If you can't obey such simple instructions
how will you grow and mature to be the People of God I have amazing plans for?....'
I read about it in Exodus 16:4-5, 17-29

Simple things.
Simple actions
and somehow there is a part of me
that feels like the simple and the small is

....I know that isn't true....
That these things are the foundation stones of doing life well....

Picking up, cleaning up, following through, doing it even if it hurts
Tithing, resting, not wasting, watching my tongue, extending grace
bestowing kindness.....

So why does part of me want to 'short cut' that?
Why do I want to 'goof off' or 'do it my way' instead of just following the 'instructions'?

I asked a leader of a large mission organization
"How do you pick the next young man you want to train to be a leader?"
He told me, "I watch them play and interact,
and then I see one who picks up the garbage
when no one else is looking..... I choose that one."

I just recently talked to someone about the game of golf.
We laughed about how there seems to be a part of us that wants to 'fudge' when writing down the score.... After all... who will know!?
How ridiculous.......if I 'cheat'... I only fool myself.... :P

What's with that?

I want to move on to big things with You.
and I know that being
faithful in the little things is training
and foundation for that.

Thank You for reminding me
how important that is
to You.

To hear...
To listen to Your Spirit
who tells me
"This is the way.... 
walk in it."
