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This morning I was thinking of the Lawyer   
who asked Jesus what the greatest Command was....   

Jesus' answered, 'Love God with everything you have'   
and then he expanded that to include   
'Love one another.'   

'The Law and the Prophets are based on these 2 premises.'
see Matthew 22:35-40

So I was interested to Hear John speak
a slightly different message this morning.

He says we can be confident before God
if we obey His commands - this Pleases Him.
1) - Believe in Jesus
2) - Love one another.
1 John 3:23

Jesus himself said;
1) 'Believe in ME - This is the 'work' God requires.' John 6:28,29
2) 'A new Command - Love one another' John 13:34

So it made me wonder....
Subtle shift...? Old Testament, New Testament....

Or something Bigger?

I think it is something BIGGER....

Because we know they couldn't DO the Old Testament.
Loving God and Loving each other was TOO MUCH...

...Not able
Lacking resources...
the fundamental problem of bondage to Sin
was not dealt with in Old.
Oh yes, Sin was atoned for
but the UNDERLYING problem was never addressed.
The law dealt with Symptoms, not the disease.

Jesus came to set me free from the Law of Sin and Death Rom 8:1-4


Now the 'requirement' is:
cling to
trust in
be thankful for
live in
rest in
Believe in Jesus.

and I will know if I REALLY believe
when my actions line up with His Life


I once again realize that YOU really are
at the center of all things.

When I am short
I need You

When I don't know
I need You

When nothing is working
I need You.

Lean into
rest in

I do...

Yeah. :)